Even pragmatic person we tend to believe in the mystical ability of some articles to attract the luck and to attract money. In some situations the outcome is more dependent on the luck of the efforts made, therefore, a person who tries to be happy of amulet or talisman.

What distinguishes the amulet of the pet
Amulets, as a general rule, are transmitted by inheritance, and serve as a source of protective energy. The action of the amulet is aimed to protect its owner from diseases, misfortunes, dangers. In fact, the amulet can not attract the money or the success. Only you can ward off bad luck and help to avoid the loss of money.
Talisman working to bring to life its owner from the positive developments and help in the fulfillment of desires. The pet is better to do it yourself from materials of natural origin.
The combination of the properties of charm and the pet at a single thing
The forms most common of amulets for good luck and abundance: in the form of a horseshoe, the necklace of natural stones in the frame, and irredeemable currency. But as an amulet these objects are only able to repel the negativity. Do these things in a magnet for money and success, can with more influences.
In magical practices, often use essential oils to enhance the effect. The "transfer of money" are a mixture of essential oils of bergamot, juniper, cedar and pine. To attract good luck recommend the oil of jasmine, sandalwood, lavender and patchouli.
Simply anoint the amulet protector suitable in essential oil, and the result is manifested in a short time. Repeat the procedure of "aromamagic" in relation to the amulet should be once a month, preferably in the waxing of the moon.
Eastern amulets for good luck and wealth
The chinese philosophy, Feng shui is considered to be more effective amulet to attract money trehlapye a toad with a coin in the mouth, sitting on the mount of gold. This symbol should be on the most beautiful of the rooms of the house and be rotated by the interior face.
To carry, ideal for the amulet of the three coins with a square hole, related to each other by a red ribbon. This charm comfortable to carry in the wallet, along with other coins.
Amulets, generate luck in Feng shui, they are considered to be figures of animals. The tiger symbolizes the powerful protection in the physical plane and good luck in the business. The statuette of a rhinoceros, serves for the protection of the theft, and attracts the luck. Figure of a cat with a leg satisfies the desire and happiness of the family. Put that idolum when you enter the house.
Rune amulet for luck and safety

Runesword magic more ancient art style of sacred characters. Amulets with rune symbols are suitable for people of absolutely any religion. When an unconditional faith in the power, and the power of the runes, the amulet prove to be very effective.
The most well-known, the formula for good luck and wealth is made up of runes Dagaz, Fehu, Uruz, Otala online writings. You can only write characters on the paper or the skin and carry or draw the marks of pen in the pocket.